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Meditation (Beginners to Advance)

meditation for deep relaxation

Instructor: Manmohan DuttLanguage: Hindi

About the course

In the modern world where 80% living in the stress and anxiety. Meditation is the need of the hour to heal, empower your conscipousness and deep relaxation. Peace of mind will help you activate your rescources and get the best results in every field of life. 

In this video course you will learn what is meditation, yog nidra and how to apply for your life challenges. 


सबसे अच्छा Meditation

15 Minute Best Guided Meditation will help you eliminate anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, BP, Sugar and enjoy peace and tranquility. 

Advice: Please Dont practice while driving. 


Anapansati Meditation 

बौद्ध ध्यान

Buddha meditation is the most powerful technique to calm down and 100% mental peace, happiness and prosperity.

What you’ll learn


What is Mediation

How to Do Meditation

Learn Techniques of Deep Meditation

Sound Meditation 

How to Focus on Sound Om Chanting 

Types of Meditation

You will master different types of meditations 

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